Thought for the Day--April 10, 2011: Don't Give Up!

Today is the last day of my "No extra PointsPlus" week, with good success so far.

I had had two bad food weeks* in a row, something I obviously need to work on. Why do I cave when a piece of Key Lime pie or a plate of Chicken Pad Thai is placed in front of me? Why do such foods tend to kick in urges to overeat and then kick in mini-binges?

I don't know.

Of course, the thin people all around me also accepted and ate the Key Lime pie, but with one major difference: THEY ate only part of it. They drew a line in the pie and stopped eating it.

I ate the whole thing, right down to the blob of whipped cream (and it wasn't a small slice, either).

Like 99.9% of the human population, I'm a work in progress, and my Achilles Heel happens to be food, in particular, bad carbs, sugar, anything crunchy and fatty, etc.

By the way, I have never met the perfect .1%; I'm sure they exist, but they must live in another realm, not accessible to you and me (LOL).

Okay, so why I am I laying out my shortcomings in such a public manner?
Because I want you, my readers, to understand that bad food weeks don't have to become a bad food life--that you can reset any damage without lashing yourself with a wet noodle.
Just for one week only, this was my challenge to myself:
1. Refrain from eating any of my extra 49 PointsPlus. However, I would still be allowed (not required) to use any of my activity points, given that they would be hard-earned points: DONE!

2. Each day, walk on my treadmill, aiming for 3 miles a day: DONE!

3. Eat more 0 PointsPlus and power foods (to fill in those hunger gaps). DONE!

4. Question any hunger pangs that don't make sense by applying The Carrot Test: DONE!

5. Still allow myself some limited treats, but within my regular PointsPlus (hence, the focus on 0 points and power foods): DONE!
In other words, reset my positive body rhythms without starving and punishing myself.

I did hit one potential obstacle: at the ball park, where I ended up buying an overpriced sandwich ($10.00) and salad ($6.00). But I was determined to get through this week successfully, even if I had to pay through the nose.

I actually ended up not using 4 regular points for that day (not recommended as a regular occurrence, but we got home after midnight, and I just wasn't hungry, a rarity).

Beginning tomorrow, I can again begin using my extra PointsPlus points, which means that I can again visit my favorite Chinese buffet (which has a Hibachi grill).

I wish I had the answers for those who have given up, like that lady who is determined to become the fattest lady on earth by eating 20,000 - 30,000 calories per day or the organization that advocates for remaining fat--on the other hand, this group does lobby for fat-friendly laws and eliminating discrimination against fat people, definitely positive outcomes. Also, I believe that they are on the right track in advocating self-acceptance, no matter how much one weighs, but here is where we differ:
This advocacy group is perfectly happy remaining fat and even obese, whereas I believe that a normal weight (and I don't mean super skinny) is realistically attainable and can be achieved without starvation and deprivation.
One last question:
Can obese people be healthy?
Yes, especially young people--I was one of them.

But remaining healthy through middle age and senior years is another matter.

As a baby boomer, I was beginning to notice small ailments directly related to my weight, namely acid indigestion/reflux, breathing difficulties occurring with minimal activities, minor mobility issues, awkwardness, and foot problems.

With a 40-45 pound weight loss, I have practically eliminated these problems (although I know not to enjoy fatty treats just before bedtime).

I still have some foot problems, but with much improvement, the minor pain not affecting mobility. In fact, walking and exercising actually eliminates the pain.

I am still overweight, with about 35-40 pounds yet to lose, but not beating myself up about it, for I'm headed in the right direction.

I'm in no hurry--I want to do this the right way.
I'm in a marathon, not a sprint.
In fact, I'm quite happy with my body right now: I'm agile, able to touch my toes without bending my knees; my breathing is back to normal, and I'm able to walk 3.8 mph without being out of breath; and my energy levels are quite high, no drugs, other than my morning coffee caffeine.

Today's thoughts: Don't give up, and keep up the good work.

Later, my cyber friends.


*Don't get me wrong: the two conferences themselves were awesome.


Memoir Madness: Driven to Involuntary Commitment

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