
Showing posts with the label Obesity

BMI (Body Mass Index)

Knowledge is Power! _______________________________________________ Do you know your Body Mass Index (BMI)? If not, be sure to use the handy BMI calculator on this site, courtesy of the CDC . Just scroll down past the comment section and then plug in your height and weight. What do the numbers mean? If your BMI is below 18.5, you are underweight. If your BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9, you are normal weight. If your BMI is between 25 and 29.9, you are overweight. If your BMI is between 30 and 34.9, you are considered to be class I obese. If your BMI is between 35 and 39.9, you are considered to be class II obese. If your BMI is 40 or above, you are considered to be class III obese (also known as "super obesity," a medically dangerous situation.) --From Obesity (Wikipedia) If you fall into one of the three obesity categories, then you should consult with your doctor for a plan of action. Your physician can refer you to an obesity specialist who can ...

Fat Fetish Industry

I have always been under the assumption that no one would choose to be morbidly obese. Evidently, I was wrong. Yesterday (September 22, 2011), Dr. Oz featured Susanne Eman , an obese woman vying for the fattest-woman-in-the-world title who embraces all 728 pounds of her body. Why? Because she, known as a "gainer," earns her living via her paid fat fetish website that caters to "feeders," men who indulge in fat fetish websites, sometimes even sending food to their objects of desire (hence, the term "feeder"). On her website, Eman eats and poses in various activities for the subscribers who pay to gawk at her. She also weighs in to show off her weight gain. According to Dr. Oz, fat fetish websites are right behind porn sites in terms of popularity and revenue. Seriously? Men pay obese women to watch them eat and parade around in skimpy clothes that emphasize their rolls of fat? I'm shocked. Hey, I'm someone who is flummoxed by intern...

S.O.S. for Pauline Potter! You Go, Girl! You Have Many Supporters

In a desperate attempt to get help with her weight , Pauline Potter , deemed the heaviest woman in the world by the Guinness Book of World Records , has turned to the media for help. According to a September 6, 2011, Huff Post Weird News story , Ms. Potter was not interested in gaining Guinness fame for the sake of of being obese but to reach out for help. Pauline, all I can say is that I understand your desire to get healthy and slimmer. I can't pretend to understand what it's like weighing 700 pounds, but I do know what it's like weighing over 200 and not being able to fit in chairs and restaurant booths properly. I know what it's like just being able to lock the seat belt on an airplane, knowing that I was just 10-15 pounds from an extension. I understand how icky it feels when someone points at you and pokes fun at your body. (Once, at the mall, some lunkhead boys shot rubber bands at my rear end.) I also understand not being able to walk a block without bein...

Flaunt (us) Or Does My Butt Look Big?

You've got IT , so flaunt it! --The webmaster No matter what weight, age, race, ethic group, sex, sexual orientation, etc., sometimes we just need to strut our stuff. Even if we don't feel especially outstanding in any significant way, at times we need to present ourselves to the world in the way we want to be seen. As an overweight older person, I want to present myself in the best light possible; I'm not going to wear a belly-exposing tee-shirt or shorts that expose my butt cheeks or crack. I'm going to wear clothes that minimize my physical weaknesses, for example, my large upper arms and my bustiness (yes, I see that as a weakness and a burden I have endured since age 12). On the other hand, I like my legs and don't mind showing a little upper leg. I also love jewelry, mostly stone necklaces and ostentatious bling rings with huge stones, the bigger, the better, most of them fake or inexpensive stones. The point is: we should flaunt those attribut...

"Obesity Problem": Results From a Casual Google Search Term

Physiological Impact of Obesity Image from Drexel University College of Medicine _____________________ I couldn't open up a magazine, you couldn't read a newspaper, you couldn't turn on the TV without hearing about the obesity epidemic in America. --Morgan Spurlock, Supersize Me Obesity: Pandemic or Nonsense? Out of curiosity, I did a search on the term "Obesity Problem," just to see what is being said in the media and medical sites. Here is what I discovered : Obesity defined: An obese person has accumulated so much body fat that it might have a negative effect on their health. If a person's body weight is at least 20% higher than it should be, he or she is considered obese. If your Body Mass Index (BMI) is between 25 and 29.9 you are considered overweight. If your BMI is 30 or over you are considered obese. -- Medical News Today Are YOU obese? Use this handy CDC widget to find out: BMI For Adults Widget According to the Nati...

Space and Your Place in It

You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don't try to forget the mistakes, but you don't dwell on it. You don't let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space. --Johnny Cash Imagine this: You are a normal-weight earthling who finds herself transported permanently to Planet Skinny where everything is half the normal earthly size. The average chair is wide enough for a very slim earth person and able to hold a maximum of 110 pounds, which is considered obese on Planet Skinny. The space between table and seat in restaurant booths can comfortably accommodate someone with a 36" chest, so if you are any larger, you are resting your boobs on the table. Flying is a nightmare; you must book your flights carefully, often paying for First Class or buying two seats. In short, everywhere you go poses a hassle, so eventually you give up going out in public. Not only is the too-small infrastructure all wr...

Thought for the Day--April 3, 2011: Tax Obesity?

NO!!!! Instead, impose a tax on junk food, like we do cigarettes. We don't tax smokers, do we? So we shouldn't tax the obese based on their BMI or any other measure. Imposing a tax on obese people helps no one and may even make the problem worse. Offering incentives may be a better way to help people get fit and lose weight and to lose weight sensibly and slowly.

Thought for the Day--February 17, 2011--Weight Categories

Sometimes, people will say odd things to you; accept their words with good humor and look deeper into their meaning. The other day, my doctor said, "If you lose five more pounds, you'll be out of the obese category." I chuckled at the absurdity of suddenly changing descriptive labels; on the surface of it, it seemed like a silly statement. Then she went on to explain that achieving this goal is more than just reaching a vanity milestone; a slimmer body also offers positive health benefits. In my case, by being just overweight, I will have cut my risk for a heart attack by half. Can't argue with that.

Memoir Madness: Driven to Involuntary Commitment