Found on My Bookshelf: 1st Edition of Stranger in a Strange Land, by Robert A. Heinlein.

First Edition of Stranger in a Strange Land ___________________________ Sex without love is merely healthy exercise. – Robert A. Heinlein ________________________________ This is a likely 1st edition of Stranger in a Strange Land , by Robert A. Heinlein. (G.P Putnam’s Sons), 1961. According to several entries on , A true 1st Edition must include the “C22” in the gutter of page 408 (Yes). and An ad for Starship Troopers on the back cover (Yes). and No notations for subsequent printings (Yes, just the 1961 copyright). and Pale green coloring across the top pages (Yes). I have no idea when this book was acquired; maybe it came with Jerry when he came into my life. He is more likely to be the one to have bought this book in 1961 – I didn’t discover Heinlein until the 1970’s. The photo is of the actual book.