
Showing posts with the label Eating Out

Working on a Domain Project and Other Cool Things...

Elephants and grandchildren never forget. --Andy Rooney Ha, ha, isn't that the truth? I am currently working on a domain name project called Name for the Day . The blog is half built, but I love the background (shown in the above image) and the layout. I'm thinking of making some changes on this site, namely a new template, perhaps a new background. Also, there is way too much introductory material... On Monday, Jerry and I had Rhia, our granddaughter, so we went miniature golfing; it was hotter than Hades (97 degrees!!!), but it didn't seem to bother Rhia at all. We, on the other hand, looked and felt wilted, even though we were drinking lots of water. Jerry actually felt a bit sick on his stomach. We sometimes forget that we're (gasp!) senior citizens. I hadn't been miniature golfing in years, and we were all terrible at it. I did, however, make a hole-in-one, but it was just plain dumb luck. Rhia held the golf club like a baseball bat, despite our bes...

Food Choices

I believe that we are solely responsible for our choices, and we have to accept the consequences of every deed, word, and thought throughout our lifetime. --Elisabeth Kubler-Ross When I'm eating at home, making healthy choices is fairly easy, given that we stock our fridge and cupboards with good foods and tasty treats that don't sabotage our daily diet (and forever) diet. However, eating out does pose special problems. How foods are prepared can be unknown, so it's important to make the best possible choices while still enjoying the dining out experience. Yesterday, we were on our way home from Scranton, Pennsylvania, and, starving, we needed to stop for dinner. Jerry, my husband, wanted to go to a Chinese buffet, but I was too hungry to avoid the myriad temptations that all-you-can-eat Chinese food offers, so I begged off. He really wanted to go, but respected my wishes (Thank you, sweetie! I owe you one!), and we went to Cracker Barrel instead. I'm not over...

Thought for the Day--February 25, 2011: Shopping and Eating Out in Skopje

Pir-V in Skopje, Macedonia __________________________________ Don't forget to take outside walks. The treadmill may be convenient, but it can be boring as well. In Skopje, walking is such a pleasure--lots of places to see. Today, we went to the center of Skopje and visited some of my favorite shops in center city. One of my absolute faves is Pir-V (now renamed, but I can't remember the new name): A superb collection of antiques, bric-a-brac, Yugolav relics, books, medals and more. Find it hidden slightly away in the big empty courtyard to the northwestern corner of [City Gallery in the square] They also have a small shop, recently opened, in the Turkish Market. I bought a stone necklace and bracelet and a lovely textile that has gold threading woven throughout. We also ate at a lovely mall restaurant called Anatoljias, where they serve outstanding "skara" (grilled meat), both tasty and nutritious. I ordered marinated chicken on a skewer. One of the s...

Thought for the Day--February 24, 2011: Arriving in Skopje!

We (I, my husband, my son, and his girlfriend) arrived in Skopje, Macedonia, all jet lagged and tired. We bought a few groceries from Tinex, such as cereal (low-fat muesli), eggs, and fresh fruit. The luscious bread here tempts me, but I know that I can enjoy some of it, just not an entire loaf. We are staying in a friend's empty flat, so eating right should be easier. Our first meal out: we went to a place called "Dish"; I ordered grilled chicken. The others ordered pasta, which I sampled in small bites (lasagna and something with white sauce). But I enjoyed the chicken the best. We also ordered a large Greek salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, olive oil, and feta cheese) for the table. Yum.

Thought for the Day--January 24, 2011: Breakthrough Days

Embrace breakthrough days. Yesterday was one of mine. I swallowed one of my major fears and ate at a Chinese buffet. Pat self on back: I made some excellent choices. Equilibrium. I loved what I ate--fresh vegetables, shrimp, noodles on the grill--and, in return, my food loved my body. I even ate ice cream, cotton candy flavor. A tribute to my inner child. Honor your inner child.

Thought for the Day--January 21, 2011: Eating Out

Going out to eat does not have to be stressful. First, select a restaurant that will help you keep on track. Second, if this isn't possible, do your best. When all else fails, order your favorite dessert and share it with your table. It's only food, after all. Enjoy life and move on when you cannot be perfect. :=)

Thought for the Day--January 19, 2011: Considering the Context When Eating Out

The takeaway from this week's Weight Watchers' meeting: When going out to eat, consider the context. For example, Is this primarily a social or business event? OR Is this an eating event? Either is okay, but how you approach the event will depend on the context. For a social or business context, the food itself is less important than socializing with your companions, so you might not need to use a lot of your extra PointsPlus for the event. However, sometimes we go to a restaurant because of the food. In that case, it's okay to focus on the food by using your extra points. NOTE: If you're not on Weight Watchers, it's okay. You can still go to restaurants just for the food-- Keep in mind, though, moderation in all good things.

Memoir Madness: Driven to Involuntary Commitment