
Showing posts with the label Should YOU Rebrand Yourself

Should YOU Rebrand Yourself?

Mirror, Mirror, in my hand, Tell me, truly, my grand new brand? ____________________________ If you manage a personal blog, you might decide that it’s not worth rebranding, but it may be a good idea, especially if very few visitors are visiting your site. My former blog name was cool enough, but I didn’t have the matching domain in .com. Also, “Food for Thought” was taking me in a direction where I no longer wanted to go, at least exclusively; I was kind of stuck in food and diet topics, and I was beginning to find this boring. In addition, the search engines were burying my blog on something like page 15 because, evidently, “Food for Thought” is a highly competitive term. I selected “Life is a Brand” because branding is a popular topic, it fits my professional branding themes ( Brands Z and Brandite ), and I was able to register the matching .com, .net, and .org domains directly from the registrar, without paying aftermarket prices. For me, acquiring a cheap domain for th...

Memoir Madness: Driven to Involuntary Commitment