
Showing posts with the label Dreams

Three Orioles and an Astronaut (and His Family)

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. – Albert Einstein   __________________ Another crazy dream post. I seem to have a lot of them lately, but this one is a real head scratcher, at least where the astronaut is concerned. I get the Orioles part: Jerry (my better half) and I were watching an extra-inning Orioles game that had gone well into the night (12 innings and past midnight), so that three Orioles would somehow work their way into my subconscious is not surprising. But the astronaut? Let the dream speak for itself: I am a newspaper reporter charged with going into space to visit an astronaut and his wife and baby, who are with him on a family space station. My assignment involves interviewing and watching this family as they navigate living in space. To get to the space station, I board a SpaceX “airplane” (which looks suspiciously like an ordinary 767, along with all its typical steerage-class discomforts). M...

"Flying," by Rhia

"Flying," by Rhia, age 6 __________________________________ My granddaughter drew this picture, and I understood it right away--truly, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I used to have these kinds of dreams. Can you guess what this dream might mean? Comments welcome.

Yikes! A Nightmare

Reality is never as bad as a nightmare, as the mental tortures we inflict on ourselves. --Sammy Davis, Jr. I haven't had a nightmare for a long time, but I had one heck of a doozy last night. In fact, it was so frightening that when I woke up my heart was pounding like crazy--very realistic. In this dream, I was being stalked by a bearded man with black hair and some of his henchmen (stereotypical looking goons). I don't know why I was being stalked, though. Nightmares seem to be big in fear, but short on specifics. I was in Las Vegas--a good setting for a stalking dream--trying to weave my way around the rows of the slot machines on the casino floor. Somehow, I ended up in a restaurant, sitting at a large table shaped like a "U," eating a dessert> My table mate (a stranger) said, "That man with the beard seems to be looking for you." I jump up and started fleeing again. Earlier, I had actually been "caught" by my stalker but then escaped; now I...

Judge Judy in the Kitchen (A Dream)

I eat morons like you for breakfast. You're gonna be crying before this is over. -- Judge Judy I have the world's strangest dreams. What's more, after I scratch my head and say, "What the hey?" I often find important messages within them. You see, I believe that our dreams are simply extensions of our daytime thought processes and just tumble out in our subconscious minds as these strange scenarios and allegories, seemingly apropos of nothing. The other night, my dream involved Judge Judy. Now, I don't watch Judge Judy; she's a bit too mean for my taste, often not giving her defendants and plaintiffs much benefit of the doubt. It seems as though she has already pre-decided her rulings based on the case files, not the people before her. I squirm when she browbeats people in her courtroom; I watch TV or movies to be entertained and/or informed, not to watch other people being demeaned, even the obvious lowlifes. Yet Judge Judy was the star o...

Memoir Madness: Driven to Involuntary Commitment