
Showing posts with the label 9-11

Fifteenth Anniversary of 9/11: Where Were You On That Terrible Tuesday?

Composite by Jennifer Semple Siegel, created on 9/12/2001 _________________________ My story is unremarkable, but my horror was not. At 8:46 AM, I was asleep when Flight 11 hit the North Tower. My husband nudged me awake. “The World Trade Center is on fire,” he said as he flipped on the TV, an old black and white portable. “A plane crashed into one of the towers.” I jumped out of bed, memory of the 1993 WTC bombing smoldering in my brain. Terrorism? “When I went into the shower, Katie Couric...,” he said. “By the time I was out...this.” “Terrorism,” I said. “They're not saying. Could be an accident.” But I knew. I could feel the hate vibrating in my bones. A sense of panic. I dressed without showering and went into the living room. I flipped on NBC. In living color, we saw the second plane slice into the South Tower. 9:03 AM, Flight 175. Yes. Terrorism. Jerry had classes and left for school. On a Monday-Wednesday schedule, I stayed home alone. ...

9/11: Two Anniversaries: 10th and 1st...

A collage by Jennifer Semple Siegel Created shortly after 9/11 ______________________________ As we all know, today is a very sad anniversary, so I just want honor those who have given their lives, either as citizens in the wrong place at the wrong time or soldiers who gave their lives in their quest to defeat Osama bin laden and his thugs. Thank you! No need to say any more on this topic. On a personal note: Today is the 1st anniversary of my decision to get healthier and lose some weight. Despite a difficult summer, I have succeeded in losing 55-60 pounds. I have been maintaining, more or less, for the past two months. It's been tough, though. So, today, I am reaffirming my decision to keep at my plan and get going on those last 25 pounds, but still in a healthy manner. I have worked too hard to backslide into unhealthy habits. I'll be making some changes on this blog, including the title and design. It is clear that I won't be updating this space daily, so I have found a...

Memoir Madness: Driven to Involuntary Commitment