Thought for the Day--May 8, 2011: Happy Mother's Day to "MO" and to ALL Moms

My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it. --Mark Twain My grandmother, Katherine Olive Quirk Semple (known in the family as "Mo") acted as my mom; she raised me for most of my life, stepping in for her daughter, my mother. As I grow older, I really appreciate the sacrifice involved: Mo was 57 when she and Dee Dee, my grandfather , took me in for good, and 61 when they formally adopted me as their child. Jennifer, age 7, on her way to a temporary custody hearing, Los Angeles Courthouse. Photograph by Olive Semple, the Queen of the backside photo _______________________________ I can't imagine what it must have been like to take in a child when you're facing your Social Security years. Mo was forward-thinking in that she pushed the adoption into motion years before applying for Social Security. She also knew what adoption might mean to me--my mother would legally become my sister (How weird is that?) and would lose all parental rights-...