
Showing posts with the label Memoir

For Sale: E-books and Paperbacks by Jennifer Semple Siegel

Are You EVER Going to be Thin? (and other stories) ,  2nd edition __________________________ “Kindle and Fire”: A Short Story __________________ Memoir Madness: Driven to Involuntary Commitment (Kindle) Memoir Madness: Driven to Involuntary Commitment (Paperback) _______________________ The Trash Can of L.A.: A Reality Play (Kindle) The Trash Can of L.A.: A Reality Play (Paperback) ______________________________ Jennifer ’ s Profile Jennifer Semple Siegel’s Amazon Page and Bookstore ______________________________

On-going Projects: Memoir Madness and Luna Drive

Cherokee Mental Health Institute, August 30, 2004 _______________________________________ I keep promising myself that I will complete Memoir Madness and get it ready for publication. Slowly, this is happening. I have completed the final proofreading and acknowledgement list (credit for sources). I tried to be thorough in verifying local and national events of the time, not always an easy task. Internet sources for 1968-1969 events can be problematic and potentially inaccurate. But if a source matches up with my memory and/or letters, then I figure that the source and my memory are accurate. The problem occurs when I can't find verification for a locale or event, such as the Mission Hotel or the tear gas attack there on New Year's Eve (1968) . This was a major event in my life, and it's like it never existed (except in my mind)! But this is one memory that is vivid, so I know it happened. Still, I can't help but have doubts. So I plan to admit (in the acknowledgements)...

A Down Day Today and Memoir Madness: Driven to involuntary commitment

Jennifer Semple, Age 19 (1970) One year after she was released from the institution ______________________ Some personal issues have come up today, and I don't know what to do about them. Unfortunately, I can't do anything about them because they apply to me only indirectly, so I'll just have to continue worrying and fretting. Perhaps I should just jump on the treadmill and work out feelings that way. Or maybe work on my book Memoir Madness: Driven to involuntary commitment ; yes, I have changed the title from I, Driven: memoir of involuntary commitment --the new title came to me in a dream, and it just seems to fit. However, I need to do a bit of tweaking to the text itself. I just love the multiple meanings of "madness"--craziness, anger, and mania, all of which are contained in my memoir. The I, Driven title has never been, in my view, a satisfactory one, more like a placeholder until a better title came along, and so it has. The old titl...

Thought for the Day--May 10, 2011: My Nemesis--Procrastination

A prototype book cover: I, Driven: memoir of involuntary commitment __________________________ Procrastination is opportunity's assassin. --Victor Kiam Yesterday, I vowed to get my memoir ready for publication. I have been procrastinating far too long on this project, and I'm not getting any younger. I have concluded that it was time to stop whining about situations for which I have little or no control and start working on those things that I can manage. Now I have finally figured out my status in my family's food chain, I figure it's time to branch out and move in a different direction--by starting right where I am right now. :=) I'm 99.9% certain that I will be self-publishing my memoir. I'm not a celebrity, so traditional publishers are less likely to be interested in my personal history--at least that's the message I have received so far. The good news: self-publishing is becoming more acceptable and even fashionable as traditional publishers founder ...

Memoir Madness: Driven to Involuntary Commitment