“t of cold” (Patruno Sherling, Spammer Lifting Text From a Writer Who Himself Piggybacked Upon Edgar Allan Poe – Regurgitated Here Yet Again): A Commentary on Modern Poetry

Remixed Photo – Seedermaster Wikipedia Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance. —Carl Sandburg ________________________ [Ed. note: This usurped text from an email spam folder has been found to be original text from The Black Cat : A Play in Three Acts (based on a Edgar Allan Poe short story), by John Todhunter, and released into the public domain for any use, including, presumably, for that of notorious email spammers selling dodgy products or setting up malware links for incredibly stupid recipients who click on anything.] [As found, except for manipulated line breaks, removed character names, some punctuation tweaks, and upper and lower case changes.] [I] mean to live it out. But your husband? You married again, did you not? Yes. Fancy a woman making that mistake twice! But, you see, I was in an equivocal position. I had left my first husband; I don’t want to conceal my misdeeds, Oh, don’t expect paving sto...