
Showing posts with the label Geico

Favorite Ads: "Maxwell," Geico's Little Piggy

Okay, I admit it. I'm a sucker for great advertising. And I adore Geico's Little Piggy ad. We all know the children's story of The Three Little Pigs , so Geico's ad agency has capitalized on consumers' prior knowledge and assumptions to develop an ad that tells an entire story in 30 seconds. Sharp writing at its best--and I'm envious. Although I find this ad hysterically funny, I also love Maxwell the Little Piggy's sheer exuberance and joie de vivre . Unlike his counterparts, the embarrassed boy and his exasperated mother, Maxwell doesn't care what others think about him, or, perhaps, he's so naive that he doesn't know that less-enlightened others find him annoying. It doesn't matter; no one is going to rain on his parade! Kudos to Geico and cute little Maxwell. _________________________________ Note: I have not been paid by Geico to publish this post. Moreover, the webmaster does not necessarily endorse this company...

Memoir Madness: Driven to Involuntary Commitment