On Handicap Placards and Regular Parking Spaces...
You know, somebody actually complimented me on my driving today. They left a little note on the windscreen, it said “Parking Fine.” So that was nice. – Tim Vine _____________________ While we were in Sioux City last month, we borrowed my aunt’s car, which has a handicapped placard. Given that we don’t need to take a handicapped space, we just parked in a regular space at HyVee. Makes sense, right? I’m just thankful that we don’t *need* special consideration. Well. When we finished our shopping, we found the above “Parking Citation” on our windshield. We thought a family member was just playing a joke, but no one would ‘fess up. My question: if one is driving a car with a handicapped placard, is one obligated to park in a handicapped space?