
Showing posts with the label Domainers

Just an .xyz Meme for the Domaining Community...

“For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth.” – Bo Bennett ________________________ To my readers who are not domainers, this meme will be a head scratcher. But in case you are curious, check out a discussion about the new .xyz domain extension on , a domaining community.  

J.Domains -- Why I Registered a .Domains Domain Name...

J.Domains -- J Domains _____________ Occurrences in this domain are beyond the reach of exact prediction because of the variety of factors in operation, not because of any lack of order in nature. – Albert Einstein _____________________ Many of my fellow domainers have stated emphatically that they would not be registering .domains, that it was too industry related. I totally agree; this gTLD is very narrow in its scope and will not enjoy massive registration numbers. That is fairly certain, though I do believe that a significant number of domainers will change their minds and register some .domains related to their businesses, especially when general availability (GA) opens on March 12, 2014. These are not reseller names, except, perhaps, to other domainers, a relatively small community, one that tends to be parsimonious (this writer included). However, I don’t intend to sell J.Domains – I doubt if I could recoup my original investment in it (low $$$, renewal fee, h...

Memoir Madness: Driven to Involuntary Commitment