What I Write When I'm Not Sure What I Want to Say: On Weight Maintenance and Vanity Sizing Redux

Do not wait; the time will never be "just right." Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along. --George Herbert What a strange power there is in clothing. --Isaac Bashevis Singer On Wednesday, Dr. Oz featured Susan and Pete, a couple who started Weight Watchers three months ago. So far, they have done very well, lowering their weight (Susan, 18 pounds lost; Pete, 33 pounds), BMI (she, from 29 to 26; he from 35 to 29), and body fat (she, from 41% to 37%; he, 33% to 28%). Kudos to them! The truth of the matter: all diets work very well at taking the weight off. However, what I would like to see: follow-up shows on Susan and Pete, a year and two years from now, to see how well these Weight Watchers members have maintained their weight and healthy lifestyles. You see, I am convinced that this is the missing element from all commercial diet programs, and I'm trying to unde...