I Set a Goal, One Goal at a Time

I Set a Goal _____________ It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live . – Marcus Aurelius What keeps me going is goals. – Muhammad Ali _____________________ Let’s set one thing straight: I may be “old,” but I’m not yet ready for “God’s Waiting Room.” This wasn’t true two months ago. I felt like crap, my weight was up, and I was tired all the time. But, now, with the CPAP therapy, much improved diet, less weight on my frame, and light exercise, I feel great and much younger than my real age. In fact, I don’t remember feeling this vibrant since the early 1990’s. On June 20, 2016, I wrote about Leptin Resistance and how sleep deprivation can contribute to obesity (although this potential causal effect is still scientifically inconclusive). Having to go on CPAP therapy (also explained in the Leptin Resistance post) was more than a wake-up call. In fact, the very idea of it was almost insulting: “How dare my body ...