Shopping with a Friend

If men liked shopping, they'd call it research. --Cynthia Nelms On Saturday (yesterday), I had a wonderful outing with Amy Golightly, my son's (Eric Brown) girlfriend. Better to do something than sit around home, thinking about how much I hurt and what a bummer that we couldn't go to the Merkel picnic in Willow Grove, PA, two hours away. I really wanted to go. My injury is odd in that it's more comfortable to walk around than to sit for long periods of time. Slow walk in mall and stores = no problem. CAREFUL walk on the treadmill = no problem. Sitting on my posterior = PAIN!!! Bending over = PAIN!!! Laying flat = Depends on position. It was neat going out with Amy and just chatting about, well, you know, girl stuff. Jerry joined us for lunch, but we decided that the rest of the day would be just the girls and sent him home. We headed for T.J. Maxx and Home Goods, places I have visited but not often. I bought a heart-shaped onyx heart, two tops, bath salts, and an ergono...