Thought for the Day--March 30, 2011: Arrival in St. Petersburg

We arrived in St. Petersburg, about 30 minutes late, due to "Weather." We flew into Tampa--a bumpy flight all the way. Evidently, we got in just in time because later flights were delayed and even canceled. We grabbed a bite to eat (Broiled Grouper, asparagus, and orzo--very good and within the Weight Watchers program). Then I rushed to the Board meeting (late), where I, president of the newly formed Creative Writing Committee, gave a report about what is on the agenda for tomorrow evening. In other words, not much to report yet. It looks like this is going to be an interesting conference, although the rough weather is supposed to continue tomorrow. By 10:30 p.m., it was pouring outside, so we took a taxi to our hotel (although it is only 9 blocks from the conference hotel). Off to bed. I'm very tired--I hope to sleep well because I have lots to do tomorrow. Later!