
Showing posts with the label Aldous Huxley

On Beauty...

Beauty is worse than wine, it intoxicates both the holder and beholder. --Aldous Huxley Not much to say today, but I find the above quote interesting. I assume that Huxley is referring to physical beauty, which, as we all know, fades with age. But inner beauty can age like a fine wine, reserved for sipping (as opposed to chugging) or a exquisite piece of chocolate, reserved for savoring in small bites. I have never been classically beautiful--perhaps "cute" might have been a better description and that, of course, no longer applies. After a certain age, "cuteness" simply does not exist. But you know what? It hardly matters. As one ages, outer beauty and cuteness become less important and definitely less relevant. It must be a terrible burden to have once been beautiful and built a life around that beauty and then slowly watch it fade--I wouldn't want to wish that on anyone. My goal now is to find and enhance an inner beauty and build on that, while taking care o...

"An Apple a Day Keeps the Food Police Away?"

Everyone who wants to do good to the human race always ends in universal bullying . --Aldous Huxley I hate overweight, because it implies that there's a weight standard I should be adhering to. --Camryn Manheim The other day, Dr. Oz had some "experts" on his show who believe that fat children are "abused" and should be taken away from their parents and placed in foster care. Really? Are we getting so ridiculous here in the U.S. that we are going to hunt down overweight children and penalize their parents? Call in the Fat Police? Arrest parents? Set up government orphanages and boarding schools for overweight kids? Look. I agree that good eating habits begin at home, and, perhaps, parents need some refresher courses in proper nutrition, but even to suggest that children should be removed from their homes because of excess weight is just beyond the pale. I mean, does Children's Social Services remove kids because their parents smoke cigarettes...

Memoir Madness: Driven to Involuntary Commitment