
Showing posts with the label Writing

A NaNo Novel in the Works...

An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail. --Edwin Land I'm currently working on some notes for a NaNo Novel that I plan to write in November for National Novel Writing Month. Right now, I'm writing up some notes and character sketches; I can't imagine starting a novel totally cold and expecting it to come out coherent, so I will have some kind of structure in place before November. The working title is Quinella , but I already know that this will not be the final title. If you're interested in seeing someone's writing process, go to NaNo Novel . If not, it's all cool. By the way, Qeah, one of my characters, is slightly overweight, but this will not be the main focus of my novel, simply an aspect. I'll try to post more here. Later!

Thought for the Day--April 28, 2011: Weight Watchers, Diets in General, and Writing Every Day

There's nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a [keyboard] and open a vein. --Walter Wellesley "Red" Smith I started this site on January 10, one week after I restarted Weight Watchers (almost four months after I started my healthy life style). I had heard about the new PointsPlus and 0 points fruit and thought it was worth another try. After three months, I'm still here and going strong! Yes, as the above image reveals, I'm a Lifetime Member; my first stint with Weight Watchers started in 1973, which obviously dates me (LOL). I lost 43 pounds and made it to Lifetime status within six months, but I hadn't really changed my relationship with food. I still viewed "diet" as a temporary state, that once "the diet" was over, I could eat whatever I wanted. The old WW diet didn't help much; it was a draconian regimen, requiring at least 10 ounces of hard-core protein a day, very little bread, no potatoes or pasta, and a required servi

Memoir Madness: Driven to Involuntary Commitment