
Showing posts with the label Flights

So What Happens When a Airplane Drops Altitude Dramatically?

The mark of fear is not easily removed.  – Ernest Gaines   _______________________ I can tell you what happens from firsthand experience.  In 2006, Jerry and I were on a flight to Minneapolis – I think it was Delta or Northwest – when, suddenly, the plane dropped several thousand feet in a few seconds. You notice it; your stomach feels as though it has been left behind, somewhere up in the sky. And you know you’re in trouble when the airline attendants are rushing up and down the aisle, and the pilot, voice shaking, says, “Attendants, take your seats.” You really are convinced that you’re going down – I even asked the flight attendant, “Are we going to be okay?” No answer (gulp). Too busy battening down the potential projectiles. No time for announcements. We leveled out and continued flying over Pennsylvania at 10,000 feet. The pilot (bless him) announced on the intercom that something had possibly gone wrong with the environmental controls (t...

Memoir Madness: Driven to Involuntary Commitment