
Showing posts with the label Insurance Companies

ISO--In Search of...Answers: Why Don't Insurance Plans Pay for Weight Maintenance Programs and Obesity Prevention Programs?

America's health care system is in crisis precisely because we systematically neglect wellness and prevention. --Tom Harkin It seems as though some insurance plans are now paying for weight-loss programs, but why not help the medical community by setting up preventive programs that could work toward preventing obesity in the first place? How about maintenance programs for those who have recently lost weight and reached goal weight? Children, it would seem, are at the most risk for obesity, and reaching them at an early age is crucial. Besides, the younger they are, the easier kids adapt to gradual changes in their diet, although I would not support a program that would embarrass and/or demean them in any way. In addition, older people who were thin in childhood and early adulthood can also begin gaining weight in middle age and eventually become obese. Why wait until someone becomes obese before intervention? Why not start an adult education and screening program, designed especial...

Memoir Madness: Driven to Involuntary Commitment