
Showing posts with the label Food for Thought

A Cherokee Fable of Two Wolves: Good and Evil

Sometimes, the best life lessons that are passed from one generation to the next are short, simple, elegant, and breathtaking. I found one such lesson on my Facebook timeline as a meme. I want to share this fable with you: An old Cherokee told his grandson, My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, jealously, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies, and ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and truth. The boy thought about it, and asked, Grandfather, which wolf wins? The old man quietly replied, The one you feed. – Author unknown Of course, the grandfather’s message is implicit: Feed the good wolf and starve the evil one. While the grandfather’s lesson is deceptively simple, it is difficult to learn in its totality – that bad wolf resides within all of us, and he is hungry and greedy, always pushing, pushing, pushing... Because we are constantly wanting something, what...

Life is a Brand -- My Life Brand

I grew up in an era where “brands” belonged to large corporations like Johnson & Johnson, Ford, and IBM, not ordinary folk like me. It never occurred to me that my personal blog might need branding, but, apparently, I’m supposed to be promoting and branding my life, and, perhaps, make a little green with it – Seriously. The whole thing makes me a bit queasy: who wants to be associated with branded-to-the-hilt Paris Hilton and anything Kardashian? With a few exceptions, my life has been rather mundane, my day-to-day activities a snore to outsiders and maybe even to family. Do you really want to read about my ailments, gripes, and gossip about people you don’t know? A blow by blow narrative of my trip to Disney World? Photos of people you don’t know? (I thought not.) I use Facebook for that. Still, I have been wanting to get away from such an intensive focus on food/dieting and start focusing on...well, I dunno. I’m not young, I’m not drop dead gorgeous, and I can...

Eating Well--and BIG and Tweaking Weight Watchers

Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. --Mark Twain Last year, on September 11, 2010, when I began my healthy eating regimen, I was certain that eating smaller portions was the way to go. And for a while, concentrating on smaller portions worked very well: I was rarely hungry, and I lost about 25 pounds in less than three months. Life was good, or so I thought... Around Christmas time, I started to feel hungry all the time. At first, I thought, perhaps, that all the holiday goodies were just stimulating my taste buds. But even after the holidays, I was still hungry all the time. Then I heard about the Weight Watchers' new PointsPlus program and 0-points fruits. I had tried the previous WW points program, and I really didn't like it too much; it still felt too much like a diet, and calculations were too cumbersome, but I thought I'd give the new program a try. My plan was to pick up program materials and then not return for meetings...

Thought for the Day--April 15, 2011: Food for Thought: Support Your Local Food Bank

A hungry stomach cannot hear. --Jean de La Fontaine It's amazing to me that in this land of plenty, there are people who are going hungry and/or who cannot afford to buy the basics, let alone fresh fruit and vegetables. But when one has just lost a job and has no money, it's kind of difficult going to the grocery store, so the food bank is the place of last resort. I donate small amounts throughout the year to the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank because people need to eat year round, not just at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Won't you consider looking up your local Food Bank and donating a small amount today? Google search for food banks

Memoir Madness: Driven to Involuntary Commitment