
Showing posts with the label Dear Republican Party...

Dear Republican Party... (by Rich Herrera, Guest Writer)

Stop. Stop complaining about Donald Trump. Stop acting like you don’t know or understand how he got to where he got. He is exactly the result of your politics, which, along with your propaganda arm FOX News, manifest into this beast slouching towards the throne you decided you wanted, even at the expense of the country it rules over. Trump is not doing anything you haven’t been doing yourselves, for years. Lying? Your entire platform is based on lying and distortion. You are incapable of having an honest discussion. Death Panels? Obamacare? Weapons of Mass Destruction? Bragging? Do you guys not hear yourselves talk? America #1, despite only being #1 in mostly really shitty categories, like imprisonment and wealth disparity, while being terribly ranked in education, civil liberties, science, job security, etc. Racism? Bigotry? Your boy Ronnie Reagan with his “Welfare Queens.” Do you really think we don’t know what “States Rights” means? Waving Confederate flag...

Memoir Madness: Driven to Involuntary Commitment