Weather -- The Great Ice Storm of 2014 (Photos)

Our Front Yard Ice-Coated Tree Limbs! York, Pennsylvania, February 5, 2014 ______________________ Miss T! Poor Lonely Cold Car York, Pennsylvania, February 5, 2014 ______________________ Our Backyard York, Pennsylvania, February 5, 2014 ______________________ More Backyard Note the Ice-Coated Wire being Held up by a Tree Limb York, Pennsylvania, February 5, 2014 ______________________ These photos look lovely, but this is actually a very dangerous situation. Many trees and electrical lines in our area are down. All the power lines and tree limbs are coated with ice, and high winds are expected tonight. 150,000 households are without power and the electric company officials warn that restoration may take days. We live across the street from Met-Ed headquarters, so maybe we will be okay. Wish us luck! Cheeky Google! This Photo was Added as a "Awesome" Photo Then Falling Snow Was Added _____________________ Those Google boys a...