Pizza! Pizza! (But Without All the Calories, Fat, and "Bad" Carbs)

Eating healthy does NOT have to be boring. In fact, healthy "substitute" foods are pointless if they don't taste good because we won't eat them, at least more than once. If I'm going to sacrifice real-deal full fat pizza for something healthy, I want to enjoy it. I also want it to be easy to fix, and I don't want to make my own pizza dough. Cooking, I'm afraid, is not my passion. Eating is, though. Thanks to Kevin and Shari, "Monday Masters" Weight Watchers' members at the York, Pennsylvania, chapter (Commerce Plaza), I have discovered a product so amazing that building a tasty, low-cal, low-points pizza is a cinch: Flatout Flatbread (pictured above, straight from my refrig to my scanner). The recipe is fast and easy: from refrig to plate, about 30-35 minutes, depending how fancy you want your pizza. I'll just give you a basic 5-point recipe (200 calories), and you can tweak it to your own tastes (for example, I like more spi...