Found in My Attic: Random Stuff, Labeled “Knick Knacks, 1988”

Plush Toy Music Box (Airplane) Large Conch Shell, Homemade Vampire Doll, Astrology Globe ___________________________________ For an occurrence to become an adventure, it is necessary and sufficient for one to recount it. – Jean-Paul Sartre ___________________________ I haven’t posted here lately because we have been amongst construction materials and hearing the sounds of construction, and cleaning up the dust of construction. My life has been consumed with construction. We had part of our large attic area converted into another bedroom, in addition to a new roof and new siding. Still more to be done: new paint and new flooring in the other upstairs bedroom and a remodeled bathroom. Also, we have been preparing the new (and smaller) attic area for re-storing our books and stuff. This has involved serious weeding (off to the thrift shop or garbage) and repacking the remaining stuff in a more sensible way, such as creating numbered boxes and developing a kind ...