
Showing posts with the label Blogger

I am a Total Blockzilla and Proud of It!!! And a Thieving Poet, Too!!!

Image is for sale at Go Daddy ________________ Call me Blockzilla. This blog is moderated, which means I get to decide whether or not to accept your comment before your comment is ever published. If you visit my blog and post spam and dodgy links, I will reject your comment. For starters, I want to protect bona fide visitors from being tempted to click on your suspicious links. Your lame “comments” are easy to spot: your text proves that you have never even read the post but are just hitting and spamming random blogs. Oh, and then there are the funky-looking links for such products as male enhancement drugs, hinky software, malware sites, yada, yada, yada. Although I have deleted any possibility for your comments (with links) to see the light of day, I still have copies of your comments, so I have decided to use your text for what is called a “found poem.” How cool is that? While I have rearranged your text into poetic lines, I have retained your atrocio...

Dear Google: Thank You! (And How to Paragraph on Blogger)

Google ____________ Dear Google, In the past, I have complained mightily, especially when you changed the blogger platform from the really simple one to the current one. There is still much that I don’t like about the platform – in particular the lighter print and heavily-laden bells and whistles, which takes blogger forever to load, and being forced to change over to Chrome to take advantage of the positive changes. Putting all that aside, I will tell you, my readers, what I love about the new platform and how to create your own sweet-looking posts. Have you noticed that my recent posts are nicely paragraphed and spaced (almost unheard of on blogs)? That I can now use curly quotation marks instead of the straight up and down ones? That my spacing makes my text easier to read? All of this without writing one whit of code. How can that be? First, I write my post on MS Word, highlight it with my mouse, hit “Ctrl+c”, and move the text to my blogger post box (Ctrl+v)...

Memoir Madness: Driven to Involuntary Commitment