
Showing posts with the label short story

“Water Lilies, by Monet” (Jennifer Semple Siegel)

Water Lilies (Claude Monet, 1906) Wikipedia _____________________________   “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”  —Dr. Seuss I saw this wise quote on my Facebook timeline, and I just had to ponder it. In 2013, I lost two important people in my life. The “how” is not important to anyone but my small circle, but the loss itself is important. Their death has left a large gap in my life. This Christmas was a stark reminder of how important this holiday has been in my life. Forty four years ago, I showed up in Pennsylvania – no money, no friends, and a lot of emotional baggage – to meet my boyfriend, later husband, now ex-husband, and still my friend. I also met his parents, two gracious people who accepted me into the family and continued to accept me – and my second husband – long after my divorce from their son. With a few exceptions, Jerry and I spent every Christmas Day with Sherm and Jeanette and the family. On Ch...

Memoir Madness: Driven to Involuntary Commitment