Asking the Right Questions

Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.
--Tony Robbins
We are not likely to find the best answers unless we ask the right questions.

Yesterday, my first interview with a naturally thin person (Harvey Rapp) was a real eye opener; I literally stumbled upon, by accident, some interesting facts about slim people.


Of course, an interview with one person does not prove anything definitive, but this particular interview revealed some of the "secret" questions I should be adding to my questionnaire. Without my having asked--because I was unaware of the right questions--Harvey offered some stunning insights.

To find out, you'll have to read the interview.

We have two groups of people: those who struggle with weight and food issues and those who don't. And there is often a lack of understanding between the two groups, which can cause conflict. For example, I can't tell you how often I have heard these types of eye-rolling comments from the second group:
--Keeping slim is simple: just stop eating so much. (Well, duh...)

--I just don't know how__________could let him/herself go like that. (Puh-leze!)

--Such a pretty face, but... (CLICHE ALERT!)

--He/She has no will power... (Ho-hum...)
Conversely, we stereotype slim people:
--She/he has a hollow leg and eats everything and anything.

--If she/he gets any skinnier, she/he will disappear.

--Skinny people are cranky because they don't eat enough.
So how do we bridge the gap between these two groups? First, we must try to understand the reason for such thoughtless comments, and these informal interviews just might provide some answers.

An important lesson for me: most thin people do NOT have hollow legs and that they are not naturally cranky. They have normal appetites.

Also, Harvey has already answered two questions for me, suggesting that, perhaps, there are some genetic components that decide who is more likely to win or lose the battle of the bulge, especially at the weight maintenance level. However, I am convinced that nature does NOT have to decide our destiny, that knowledge is power. Nurture of self and others is important, too.

This is the secret that the 5% to 7% successful maintainers have learned.

Our road may be more difficult, but it doesn't have to be impossible.



Memoir Madness: Driven to Involuntary Commitment

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